- 訂房後請於訂房日算起,二日內預付訂金,訂金為房價3成,如未在二日內付款,則取消訂房,不另行通知。
- 匯款完畢後請來電:089-871-615或加嵐海的LineID:@jxo9790h告知轉帳帳號末四碼或匯款人全名,完成確認手續,否則房間不予保留,亦不另行通知。
- 若有特殊需求,請在其他需求欄位備註。
銀行帳號:8508 01 007913 00
匯款銀行:彰化銀行 台東分行
1. 民宿禁止攜帶寵物入園、住宿,民宿有權利要求違者退房,且沒收當日住宿費用。
Pets are not allowed in the park/suite, and the homestay is entitled to require the violators to check-out and confiscate the accommodation payment already made.
2. 進房時間下午15:00,退房時間上午11:00以前,自助式早餐用餐時間為7:30~9:00 (衛生考量,請配戴口罩取餐)。
The check-in time is 3 PM and the check-out time is before 11:00 AM. Buffet breakfast time is from 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM. (For hygiene reasons, please wear a mask when picking up your meal.)
3. 房內有提供沐浴乳及洗髮精。配合響應政府環保政策,民宿不再主動提供拋棄式被品,請自備牙刷、牙膏等其他個人所需的盥洗用品,如果入住當日有牙刷需求請向櫃台服務人員索取~
Shower gel and shampoo are provided in the room. In line with the government's environmental protection policy, the B&B will no longer actively provide disposable quilts. Please bring your own toothbrush, toothpaste and other personal toiletries. If you need a toothbrush on the day of check-in, please ask the front desk staff for one ~
4. 本民宿退房時間為上午11:00以前,逾時每小時加收800元,逾時4小時加收該房型全部房價。
The check-out time is 11 AM, and an additional NT$800 is charged for each hour of delay. If the delay is over four hours, the cost of the suite for one day will be charged.
5. 住宿當日下午5點以前無法到達,請來電告知晚到;若無來電告知,將不保留訂房。
If you are unable to arrive before 5 pm on the day of your stay, please call us to inform us of your late arrival. If you do not call us to inform us of your late arrival, your reservation will not be held.
6. 續住不更換床單、被套;如需更換毛巾,請於每日早上11點以前告知櫃台服務人員。
Bed sheets and quilt covers will not be changed for extended stays; if you need to change towels, please inform the front desk staff before 11 a.m. every day. If you stay for multiple days, you can request cleaning every second day. Please inform the front desk staff before 11 a.m. every day.
7. 晚上10點以後,請放低音量!為維護其他入住客人安寧,請勿夾帶預定入住之外訪客留宿。
Please lower the sound levels after 10 PM! In order to protect the peace of other guests, please do not bring visitors who are not scheduled to stay overnight. If a guest has degraded the quality of leisure vacation for others and refused to stop after repeated consultation, the homestay is entitled to require the guest to check-out and confiscate the accommodation payment already made.
8. 民宿內禁止打麻將、賭博或施放爆竹煙火等任何音量過大會影響其他房客之活動,房內嚴禁抽菸、燒烤、烹煮,不便之處請見諒。
Playing mahjong, gambling, firecrackers, and other loud activities that may affect other tenants are banned in the homestay. Smoking, barbecue, and cooking are strictly prohibited in the room. We apologize for any inconvenience.
9. 過年期間:恕不接受因合歡山或大禹嶺下雪、蘇花公路等管制通行,而要求退款或保留訂金
During the Spring Festival period: the request to refund or reserve the deposit will be denied due to traffic control because of the heavy snow at Hehuanshan Suhua Highway or Dayuling.
Mountain climates are fickle, so please think twice before booking. Cancellation due to rain is attributed to personal factors and will be denied (we also will not accept suite cancellation or postponement due to Provincial Highway 8 traffic jams, so please consider carefully before booking)
11. 加床:需依房型人數入住,超出房型規定人數一人須加收800元加床費,連續假期加床費用1000元 、農曆春節期間除夕~初五,加床費用為1500元,含清潔及早餐,每房限多一人,年滿3歲視同大人需收費,加床需事先預訂,住宿當天恕不提供加床服務,請於線上訂房【其他需求】中留言或來電告知,等待民宿回覆後再支付訂金。
NT$800 is charged for one additional person over the suite's capacity (each suite is limited to one extra person), a person over 3 years ago is regarded as an adult and will be charged as an extra person. NT$800 include (8 cm - 10 cm cushion on the wooden floor, blanket, pillow, toiletries, & breakfast). Extra cushion request must be made in advance or may be denied. The cost for the extra cushion from the 1st day to the 4th day of the Lunar New Year is NT$1500 per day.
12. 加被:每張床一條棉被,如需額外加被,每條棉被需酌收台幣100元送洗費用,數量有限請提早預約告知。如無法接受請勿訂房!
Extra quilt: One quilt per bed. If additional quilts are required, a cleaning fee of NT$100 will be charged for each quilt. Please make an appointment in advance to inform us as the quantity is limited. If you cannot accept it, please do not book a room!
13. 如於住宿當日,遇颱風、地震等不可抗拒因素時,以本民宿所在地政府頒布為準則,本民宿將可為您退回訂金或保留訂房延後入住,務請以電話聯絡訂房服務人員。
Should typhoon, earthquake, or other force majeure factors occur at the day of accommodation; the Central Meteorological Bureau of Nantou County must issue an inland typhoon warning and suspend school classes in order for the homestay to refund your deposit or reserve your suite for later. Please call the booking service staff for confirmation or the refund or cancellation will be denied.
四、因不可抗力或其他不可歸責於消費者及業者之事由,致該契約無法履行時,業者應即無息返還消費者已支 付之全部費用。
交通部觀光局表示,該契約範本已公告在該局行政資訊網(消保事項專區)歡迎查閱,請消費者訂房前應詳閱 各館之訂房須知,了解訂房相關規定,如業者訂定之定型化契約條款未符合該契約範本規定,有損害權益或發生消費爭議時,均可撥打「1950」全國消費者服務專線電話轉接各縣(市)政府消費者服務中心諮詢或申訴 ,或直接向各縣(市)政府消費者保護官請求協助。